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Sunday, May 16, 2010

How low will oil go?

My Views on Oil prices:
Seems like at the present time, all the prices are managed by hedging and financial companies owining stocks or having interest in the oil companies. It is not exacltly a reflection of future of oil all the time. The reason I say this is as we have a lot of OIL in stock in USA and still oil prices keeps on going up. Then as soon as the news became more public oil prices fell a little bit.
 Still the best strategy is to buy low and sell high. Although it all depends upon your timing and if your estimates fall correct. If you go on buying stocks or keep interest in oil, and buy it depeding upon your knowlege and statistics of the oil,  then short term startegy may fail if lot of hedging goes on but long term it would be a success.
I still think that oil would go down for a little while but utlimately its rate will go up as more and more people start travelling in summer. It may not go as high as it has been in previous years as more and more people are driving compact cars giving good milage. Another factor keeping it low is unemployment. As soon as more and more people get employed they will start travelling more and this would increase the prices of oil.
What is your take on OIL prices?

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