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Tuesday, May 25, 2010

Outsourcing good or bad

Outsourcing in my opinion is not good for America. Although the initial thought with outsourcing was to send low cost work to other countries and get it done much cheaper. This was the price of the product will be kept less and competitive.
The reason I say that outsourcing is not good for America is in short term companies saved money by sending their jobs outside of the country, but on the other side Americans lost their jobs and with lot's of unemployment in America, life style is changing. Unless some other big innovation happens jobs gone out of the country are gone and unemployment will not improve much.

So overall due to unemployment, government has to spend a lot of money in unemployment benefits and then government also has less revenue as less people are paying taxes. In my opinion it would have been good to give initiatives to the companies to keep the jobs in America.

What is your thought on offshoring jobs?

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